Pusangas: Powerful Amazonian Attraction Spells

Pusangas for Attracting Good Fortune and Love

A pusanga is an Amazonian attraction spell, though analogues exist throughout magical traditions across the globe. Ideally, we want to diet each of the plants that we use in this preparation; however, dieting is not entirely necessary, as long as we can maintain humility and faith in the ability of these plants to grant us their power of magnetic attraction and harmonization.

Now that spring is upon us  in the Northern hemisphere, many of us will be able to meet our plant allies for this spell out in the wild. 

So, for our first step we will take a plant walk in a wild place which doesn't use sprays or chemicals. We are going to search for plants with Venusian and Jupiterian qualities (read back through our lessons if you forget what those are!). 

You could also look for plants and flowers that simply call to you in the same way that you want your pusanga to call out to lovers or business clients--big shiny leaves, sweet smells, brightly colored flowers, a sweet sound as the wind passed through its branches or over its leaves. 

Or maybe you see two plants entwining with one another offering a signature for partnership. Or perhaps you find a particularly strong tree who is host to a wide array of insect and animal life offering the signature for abundance and community.

Be sure that you use wide-angle vision (pay attention to your peripheral vision) and tap into your heartspace ( keep your awareness your physical heart) as you walk and observe. 

Meditate with the plant that calls to you and make an offering. Tell the plant your intentions and then ask if you have permission to use a piece of the plant Be sure that you get a clear "yes". If you get a "no",  simply move on to the next plant that catches your eye. If you get a "yes," use whichever piece calls to you, but avoid digging up roots unless you feel very certain that that is the piece that you need.

When you feel that you have all of the allies that you will need for your pusanga return home and place them in a clear bottle of the most sacred water that you can find. 

It is preferable if you can find a living body of clean water where lots of living things gather (fish, insects, frogs, birds, etc.) the attractive power of the water will be greatly heightened. However collected rain water, spring water, water from any place special to your heart will work.

If you want the pusanga to keep for a longer period of time, simply mix in some alcohol as a preservative.

Next add some agua de florida, your favorite perfume, flower waters, or essential oils. The smell of the pusanga should summon to your mental and emotional body as precisely as possible the feelings and thoughts stirred by receiving your intended outcome for the pusanga. 

Next bless the mixture by singing to it (if a plant song came to you during your meditation all that better!), making an offering, and creating a space for it on an altar. 

You may want to offer puffs of a ceremonial smoke (tobacco is used in the Amazon) into the pusanga. If you offer ceremonial smoke, reaffirm your intentions with the plants in your smoking blend. Say out loud the things that you want to attract as you exhale the smoke into the pusanga. Amazonian shamans offer three puffs saying "Health," "Wealth," and "Love."

The step step in the preparation of your pusanga is to offer some drops of it back to the earth, again reaffirming your intentions out loud as you do so. You can use the same tree that you have been working with throughout Earth, or find one that calls to you for this specific purpose.

Once prepared, place your pusanga on your pulse points, as you would any perfume. You can also bless items for ritualistic use, bless your place of work, business cards, love letters, your home….the possibilities are endless!

Crystal Hoffman