In the beginning was the word...

The birthright of all humans is co-creation with the divine forces that dance this material world into creation.

Unfortunately, in the civilized world, we've lost our link to invisible intelligences that link our bodies and voices to the Dreamtime where our powers of manifestation are most potent.

Our disconnection from our creative powers causes us immense lonliness, damaged our health, and keeps us from performing our most vital role--

maintaining the natural the rhythms our spiritual eco-systems.

The plants, stones, animals, and elementals around you are waiting to sing through you...

...waiting for you to channel the sounds that must to be uttered, whisper the secrets that must be told, and tell the stories that need to be lived.

As humans we were gifted an incredibly precious gift in the use of symbolic thought which first granted us the creative powers of magic…a gift that is one and the same with the use of The Word.

It's our duty to learn to use our words well...

...and fortunately for us there is a long lineage of great poet-magicians who left us rituals, games, and sacred texts that ensure each words that pours forth from us is a channeled message and harmonizing force of creation.

But the most powerful tool that we have in our creation comes to use every night... we dream.

Do you want to spin new worlds with your words through Ritual and Dreamwork?

I'd like to welcome you to join a dedicated community of poets, dreamers, mages, and mystics who are dedicated to empowering and honing their use of The Word and their skill in the Dreamtime.

I'd like to welcome you to join this community not to work, but to play with words, delight in your dreams, and feel comfort and joy in connecting to your invisible eco-system of spirits.

I'd like to welcome you to feel in your body the value your creative works have on the plants, animals, elementals, and fey that surround you.