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Your guide through the darkness to more magic & power

For people who feel stuck, out of control, or overwhelmed… who are ready to finally move through the darkness to find more meaning, purpose, and peace in their lives.

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Your magical initiation is a rite of passage through which you step into a new version of yourself:


A “you” with greater magic, power, and a deeper knowledge of your destiny and the universe.

But this portal can be hard to walk through alone.

Massive magical transitions like this can threaten our sense of self and old ways of being —

But it is only by pushing through that we can dig deeper to identify the unconscious patterns influencing our lives and transform our hardships into gold

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Maybe you've been experiencing…


  • Feeling directionless, or like you’re on the brink of something major but you don’t know what it is yet

  • Trying to figure out who you are, why you’re here, and what gives you fulfillment

  • Wanting to know how you can use your natural gifts to create a more beautiful life for yourself & others

  • Nagging existential dread

  • Fogginess, confusion, or disassociation

  • Trouble sleeping such as hypervigilance, sleep paralysis, nightmares, or experiences with dark entities when you are in a liminal state

  • Deep fear around the night or darkness

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You’re standing on the edge of a threshold and you feel like you’re being pushed to start identifying yourself in a larger & more purposeful way.


You are being called to deepen your understanding of yourself & completely up-level your life.

When you go through hard times — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually — this is the Divine speaking through you.

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What is on the other side is going to be exactly as glorious as this moment is painful.


You’re on the brink of your most Divine Self. But you need support getting there.

You want certainty that you are on the right path.

You want to know that you are using your natural gifts to their greatest ability.

You want to heal your old wounds (even the ones you haven’t been able to shake with other healing modalities) to release the thoughts and feelings that haven’t been serving you.

You want to feel deeply connected to the Divine and fully at peace with where you are in your life.

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Your divine path and your life purpose are spelled out in your astrological chart, energetic patterns, past life karma, and the physiological aches and pains you are experiencing.


The answers you seek are right in front of you.

I’m here to help you find them by identifying which parts of your life are not in alignment, giving you the tools you need to connect with your own inner voice, pair you with outside entities that want to support you, and help you dig deeper and find the gold in your struggles.

So you come out of this period of darkness, confusion, and dread feeling awakened & completely transformed. 

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 Who is 1:1 Coaching with Crystal for?


Coaching is ideal for you if you fit into one of these categories…


You want to streamline healing in your life to make it more manageable

Being stuck on pharmaceuticals or taking a dozen different supplements a day to manage your symptoms can be overwhelming and ineffective. You want to simplify the healing process, but you don’t know how to get out of the health cycles you are trapped in. Together, we will develop new strategies for reducing your symptoms and uplifting your life.

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You are entering or exiting your Saturn Return

The Saturn Return is a powerful time to seek support & guidance as you release old patterns and step into your destiny. It is a time to shed childhood, cultural programming, and trauma. Often, people come to me for guidance to make sure they are releasing the parts of themselves that no longer serve them, making space for their higher self, and learning how to craft magic to make it work for them on this new leg of their journey.


You are going through menopause

Menopause is one of the most powerful magical initiations and one of the biggest transformations in our lives. It often comes with feeling a lost sense of self and strong frustration and anger. I work with people who are going through menopause and struggling to figure out who they are. I guide them through releasing their old interests, beliefs, and desires and stepping into a new identity with more power and wisdom than ever before.


You are on the threshold of a major transformation

Do you feel like there is a bigger purpose in store for you, but you aren’t sure what it is yet or how to get there? I work with clients to identify where the big energetic pull in their lives is coming from. I can help you purge yourself of the things that don’t serve you, move through what is holding you back, and manage your thoughts & feelings in a way that isn’t destructive.

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You have trouble sleeping, such as nightmares or sleep paralysis, that impact your daily life

Do you have recurring sleep troubles that keep you feeling trapped and afraid of the darkness or night? Maybe you have experienced nightmares or sleep paralysis that make you fear nighttime and sleeping itself. Together, we can unpack what these experiences are trying to teach you and make both your sleeping & waking lives more rich, lively, and fun!


You are reeling from a bad trip or other psychedelic issues 

Perhaps you had a bad experience with psychedelics that left a lasting impact. This might impact your ability to sleep well or to live with peace and calmness in your life. This was a challenging magical initiation, and you need guidance to figure out exactly what it means. I can guide you to a deeper understanding of what that experience is trying to teach you.

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You may have experienced difficulties lately, but you’re not a victim. And now you’re ready to move forward in your life from a place of empowerment.

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Wondering if my coaching is right for you? Submit a risk-free application here and I will follow up to schedule a Discovery Call if it seems like a good fit.

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“The Great Goddess graciously placed Crystal in my life in the summer of 2018. In hindsight, I was deeply disembodied and working under a shitty disillusioned worldview that basically said hard work, long hours and discomfort were the only way to have success. And maybe I knew there was a better way in some small place inside of me, but I didn’t yet believe it. Nor did I have the bandwidth to hold the vision of this “better way” long enough to allow me to step into it. Enter endless cycles of liberation and fear.

And after what seems an eternity,

Enter Crystal.

The overwhelming feeling I have working with Crystal is relief. Helping me to name the things Chile! It’s huge! How do you slay the invisible monster? You don’t. You can’t. The journey starts when you get the help, start the learning & practicing the tools you need to see and think and feel things differently. Naming the things was big for me. Getting in bed with my herbal Allies was huge. Moving away from the extractive, transactional relationships into deep intimacy with them has shifted everything. The unique container Crystal holds has helped me reach this place of spacious grace. & It’s a delightful place to move from. Everything is happening for me. A friend called me out of the clear blue sky & asked to rent out my house. I’ve rented out my house in a white supremacist neighborhood (I had to get the hell up out of there, but it was a great fit for my renter lol & it was wild & hilarious how thankful he was for a place that had caused me such pain) and consequently became location independent, free to move and create and dream as I see fit. So many opportunities are happening. Clients calling asking me to co-host retreats. Former lovers inviting me to Colombia for 2 months during the summer. Oh! How can I forget? A whole human has shown up and proclaimed to be my “help-mate”!?! How much time you got? It’s that much happening.

Please do not hesitate to sign up with Crystal Hoffman. You are the currency. Get your currency in fleaux with the Crystal Experience. The intentions you set today create your tomorrow. And You truly deserve for your tomorrow to be as beautiful as you can imagine. Dream Big. Call Crystal. Now.”

Janelle P. Baranco


“A reading with Crystal was, hands-down, one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I came away with a deeper connection to my guides, my story and my purpose in life. Crystal brought great clarity around the challenges and opportunities present for me, body, mind and soul, based on my story in the chart. I feel energized and empowered to take action around topics that previously befuddled me.

Thanks to Crystal’s kind, loving and direct spiritual guidance, I received answers to long-standing questions about myself and my life. It was a truly profound experience that continues to be deeply nourishing and transformative for me. I felt utterly seen and held in the best and highest good thanks to their combined soul power, wise discernment, incredible expertise and actionable knowledge.”

Renée C.


“My reading with Crystal blew me away. It was nothing like anything I’ve experienced before; her combined expertise with plants and stars is truly rich, and to have that power turned to my own chart was fascinating and awesome. I’ll be reaping the benefits of her advice and insight for the rest of my life, easy.

Tina Rowley


“Working with Crystal changed my cycle, and helped me gain insight into what my reproductive system was trying to tell me and to alleviate my symptoms. Through conversation and an extensive review of my astrological chart, Crystal helped me see how I had been disregarding my feminine energy, which had led me to a successful career, but left me burnt out. They provided some immediate steps to take to improve my health, and an herbal regimen to help me support my nervous and reproductive systems. Following their advice, my cycle decreased from a painful two-week period to a manageable one week period in a little over a month.

“Through this consultation, I not only learned which herbs to take, but why they would work specifically with my planetary placement and body. Taking my daily infusions, I had a sense that the herbs were "clicking" with some need within me, shoring me up from the inside out. With their guidance, I developed a relationship to female-nurturing plants that have supported me through pregnancy and post-partum.”

Emily J. Brown

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What's Included

Everyone’s coaching journey is different, and I customize our coaching container based on your unique situation and what you are interested in working on, but here are the “usual” modalities that I use in my coaching…

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Astrology Chart Reading

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Physical Marker Examination

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Consistent Astrological Weather Readings

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Techniques to keep the energy moving in your home, relationship, and life

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Personalized Rituals to help you focus your energy where it needs to be 

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Learn how to craft magic & make magic work for you to live with more meaning, purpose, and beauty

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Bringing in Astral Deities 

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Connect to your own unique guides, well ancestors, and spirit of the land where you live

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Bringing in Plant Spirit Allies

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Walking you through past karmic patterns and opening doorways to visceral connection with your past/parallel life experiences

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Crystal’s Past Clients Have Achieved…

  • Deeply valuing themselves and feeling empowered to make “scary” decisions that turn out to be incredibly rewarding

  • Finally understanding the reasons behind particular challenges in their lives

  • Feeling more hopeful and purposeful than ever before

  • Pulling out of depression and stabilizing their mood

  • Healing relationships and feeling deep intimacy and support

  • Landing careers they love

  • Making more money than they ever imagined they could

  • Having more energy, losing weight, and feeling more alive

  • Releasing themselves from addictive patterns

  • LIfelong skin issues becoming resolved within months

  • Healthy pregnancies after years of struggling with fertility

  • Lifelong menstruation issues resolving within one moon cycle

  • Feeling fully empowered in their connection to the spirit realm 

  • Receiving regular messages and gifts from their guides in visions, dreams, and syncronicities

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When you decide to do this kind of healing work and follow it to its conclusion, you step into your fullest nature. And your fullest nature is that of God.

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“Crystal is an exquisite, magical, lazer-like teacher/astrologer/channeler/intuitive/herbalist/healer/guide. It’s rare to find someone so present, caring, attuned, curious, sensitive, and empathic.

She has played a huge role in helping me shed addictions that have held me hostage for years.

She truly has genius multi-dimensional skills to support you through a deep learning process of reclaiming your power through both the strengths and challenges of your unique nature.

Also, is there any greater gift than the feeling of being truly ‘seen’ & understood? Crystal possesses the x-ray vision that can penetrate underneath and beyond the surface, and the eagle eyes that can take in the bigger picture, able to honor multiple angles, perspectives and threads with grace.

Her illuminating intelligence and massive heart shine like the Sun, and I am so grateful for her being-ness in this world.

Hire her - and prepare yourself to enjoy a fascinating journey!”

— Jennifer Piercy,
CEO, Sacred Sleep Yoga

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 Modalities You'll Be Accessing

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Hellenistic Astrology Readings to explore your karma & energetic patterns, and understand your destiny and purpose

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Energetic Diagnostics using Western folk diagnostic techniques that have been informed & perfected by Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Herbs & Plant Magic for healing and guidance

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Customized Rituals based on Hellenistic, Hermetic, and Western folk traditions

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Tarot for support and to explore your relationship with unseen entities

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Teaching Tarot so that you can gut-check yourself and build connection to your own inner voice

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Inner Child and Inner Council Work

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Trance States through rhythm induction and plant spirit medicine

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Shadow Work to explore recurring patterns and reflect upon situations where you might be self-sabotaging

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How to Apply

Serious inquiries only — this is a 3-6 month time commitment & a 4- to 5-figure financial investment.

  1. Fill out the application
  2. I will follow up to schedule a Discovery call!


 Walking through the fire doesn’t have to be about suffering.

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In the folk medicine & magic tradition, we like to say that you are doing this work for 7 generations behind you and 7 generations in front of you.

You can make the transformations and hardship you are going through work for you and lift the weight of it so that you are doing triple-time alchemical work — causing major positive changes for more than just your present-day self. Your magic, gifts, and healing abilities can work for you in different dimensions & timelines.

Every step you take to follow your purpose you are taking alongside your past and future selves.

This is what it means to collapse timelines.

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When you do this work, you are nourishing and healing many different “you”s.

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 About Crystal


Crystal is a lineage Appalachian witch, clinical herbalist, Hellenistic astrologer, yogini, and poet who has guided hundreds of students and clients to heal themselves from chronic illness, become more fully embodied, and begin living in the enchanted realms that are our birthright.

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She has 20+ years of somatic and yogic studies, 17+ years of herbal medicine study, and 11+ years of committed ceremonial study with indigenous and folk medicine carriers from around the world.

Her most important teachings were transmitted directly from the stars, her ancestors, and the spirits of her Appalachian woodlands. She spent much of her childhood outdoors and initiated herself by walking alone from West Virginia to South Dakota writing poetry for souls who showed her kindness.

She has also been initiated into a number of other healing traditions through arduous ceremonial fasts, prolonged isolation, ritual possession, and even being temporarily paralyzed by a lightning strike.

She has been teaching her craft full-time for over sixteen years from international universities, to yoga studios, to her own wellness center and ceremonial center, and finally to the world-wide web, where she co-directs The School of Heaven and Earth with her husband Matthew Merlin.s suffering friends and family members, she decided to follow her calling as the legs of the plants and the voice of the stars.


“My work with Crystal came at the perfect time. I was stuck in a job that was not feeding me, and I was feeling guilty about not being able to muscle through it.

Her knowledge of herbalism and plant spirits is vast, and her intuition was spot on in recommending plants to work with through my transition off of birth control pills and my work processing my inner landscape/resistance to moving forward. Her willingness to do dream work with me was also of huge benefit and clued me into a pattern that I had been writing down in dream journals, but had not been fully aware of until she held space to listen. By becoming aware of the animal guide who kept showing up in dreams, I was able to embody what was being asked of me.

Being witnessed and supported by Crystal helped me move through grief, acceptance, and stepping forward with power. These days, I am working in private practice psychotherapy seeing clients who want to do the work that I am passionate about, I am seeing private yoga clients and pursuing yoga therapy, I am leading workshops about topics that interest me, and I am even doing some herbal consultation and tarot reading on the side. Most importantly of all, I feel free and empowered.

I can truly say that Crystal helped change my life for the better. I feel a great deal of trust and affection for her, and would recommend working with her to anyone.”

— Alisyn Reid

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How to Apply

Serious inquiries only — this is a 3-6 month time commitment & a 4- to 5-figure financial investment.

  1. Fill out the application
  2. I will follow up to schedule a Discovery call!