New Moon in Pisces: Good Omens in Dark Times
I've struggled to find the right message to deliver to you all on this seemingly auspicious new moon in Pisces as war rages in Europe.
Truly, the beginning of this moon cycle has all of the trappings of beneficence: our Queen of Heaven is seated on the watery throne of the Lord of Wisdom and Abundance, Jupiter. Not only this, but she is co-present the lord himself...
...Jupiter's great gifts are being amplified to us...even if his power is diminished due to combustion with the Sun, gifts will flow forth.
Mars and Venus are forming a harmonizing sextile to our Piscean stellium while doing a most interesting dance with one another in the sign of the Seagoat.
These are good omens in dark times.
It would be difficult to find a more Piscean theme.
During Pisces season we find ourselves at the tail end of dark half of the year...the light, the warmth, the return of life is just around the can almost taste it....yet, darkness still reigns, the good green earth is yet to produce fruit, and your body is weak with the ravages of winter.
So you hope. You wait.
And in that empty place you allow yourself to imagine, fantasize, and perhaps even pray the world that you want to emerge into being from the darkness.
Whether you agree with Nietzsche that hope is the cruelest of all of the ills that plague mankind or tend towards a more optimistic nature, the end of winter and the final days of the reign of darkness over the light are indeed times of hope, times of expectation, times when fantasy and imagination take root in our bones and beg to be manifest.
Pisces is considered the sign of mystical experience as well as delusion, wisdom as well as emotional torrents, psychic powers as well as poor/porous boundaries.
The light and the shadow, no matter who is winning, are always present within one another…two fish swimming in a circle, forever united, representing the wheel of fortune, samsara, and the illusion of reality.
The Sun and Moon conjoined in Pisces offers us an opportunity to reflect on the nature of duality and rise out of that experience.
Pisces, in an embodied way, grants us the power to rise above the desire to remain in the same patterns, to escape defeatism, to do something different….
Pisces is a sign of discovering newfound capacity granted by long months of darkness and distance from our main source of warmth and inspiration….
Pisces is an emptied cup…waiting…
When the moon is present in the sign of Pisces we are offered portals to access greater psychic powers, intuitive wisdom, creative potential, emotional intelligence, and capacity to dream.
The Pisces moon bends our minds towards compassion and in doing guides our souls towards the power that lies beyond the veil of separation...towards the mystical experience of unity.
However, these portals are only an offering, and how one enters, what one finds, and how ones responds are all important variables.
On a new moon such as this, with Jupiter himself guiding the course of the bestowal of these golden doorways, one would expect that we collectively could effect some massive shifts in consciousness this month...guiding the course of a more loving and open-hearted society.
I allow myself to hope. Let us all join hearts and minds in this dreaming.
To guide our dreams and our intentions on this Pisces new moon, I offer a specific vision of a better world.
My vision is that this war in Ukraine opens a portal to a deeper global understanding of what it is to be human and what it is to have power.
The Ukrainian people have suffered a long history of genocide and persecution. In addition to a ten-year long famine, for fifty years under the Soviet thumb they were unable to openly practice their traditional way of life which is intimately tied with the cycles of the natural world.
(This is an image of Malanka...a Ukrainian New Year/Christmas ceremony)
All eyes are on Ukraine right now, and I ask you not to only pity them, not to only pray for their well-being, but to learn from be inspired by their strength...and their power...which like indigenous people around the globe is rooted in their connection to the soil, to their spirits, and to one another.
Also like indigenous people around the globe the Ukrainian peoples have a robust, sophisticated, and ritualistic knowledge of medicinal plants and how to tend to and live with the earth, as opposed to against it.
Many of you have seen their beautiful floral headdresses (vinoks), but I hope that you will follow this link (though it is a dry, clinical study) to read more about Ukrainian plant rituals and how gorgeously integrated medicine, spiritual life, agriculture, and community remains in Ukraine.
My vision is that we can honor these beautiful people and not only protect them from being causalities in the never-ending wars of our imperial oligarchs (on both sides of the war), but look to them as teachers for a better way of living.
A real world connection that I am offering now to take into your dreaming is a visit to support this beautiful herb shop on Etsy who is currently being shelled by Russian missiles. Or this Ukrainian designer offering a digital image of Ukrainian peace.
The winter for Ukraine has been long and hard. Let's join them in their dreaming, lets walk through this portal with them to help them manifest a world where light, warmth, peace, flowers, fruits, and traditional ways of living flourish once more.
Let's dream our humanity together.
With you in the vision,