7 Steps to Co-Create with Your Fae Blood
photo by Brian Froud
Do you suspect you may be 👶🏽 a changeling child…
👵🏼 or that perhaps your grandmothers made deals with the vily/wind fae in your faraway ancestral lands…
🦴 or maybe you know in your marrow that you’re incarnated here to take up the role of the fae spirits who once inhabited and protected wild places that have ceased to exist on the material plane.
Whichever it is, if you’ve been thinking about re-establishing kinship with those primal elemental forces swimming in your blood for Pisces season, then read on.
As a changeling child myself, my life has been an enchanted...
...and occasionally terrifying dance with my fey ancestors.
In the past couple of years I’ve dedicated myself to developing habits that nourish the fey, honor our relationship, and develop unbreakable trust between us…
…and it’s utterly delightful, naughty fun.
(the deeply troublesome Phooka as remembered by the fey genius Brian Froud)
Without further ado, here are the first of seven quick steps to get started on or deepen your journey towards the embodiment and actualization of the portals to the realms of faerie that swirl within your design.
Walk backward once a day. The old lore passed down to us warns us against walking backward, lest we “attract the attention the fey.” But in our case, that is precisely what we want to do. We want to open the doorway to attract and activate all of the fey energies that swirl both inside and outside of us.
This practice is done best in wild woods and fields…woods rich with Oak, Hawthorne, Ash, and Elder are particularly desirable. However, wherever you do the practice you are sure to stir up fey activity!
Additionally, walking backward is good for your brain, stokes creativity by building new neural connections, burns more calories than walking forward, improves cardiovascular health, protects and heals your knees, and builds muscle strength in places that are typically weak.
In short, there is no reason not to take up this practice of moving in rhythm with the wyrd and breaking the hold that the patterned banal has on your mind.
Bonus points for smiling, chirping, or speaking a made-up tongue to bewildered passers-by.
2. Sing loudly and with passionate, reckless abandon in both wild and populated places. Filling the world around you with your own vibrational imprint is vital to harmonizing your environment with your soul’s essence, needs, drives, and purpose.
This is the most primal way that we wield our magic in the world and summon the forces that want to aid us in our mission.
The fae respond lovingly to the magic of our voices/breath. The fae also admire the power and courageousness of those willing to loudly and honestly make music from their hearts, their wombs, and the depths of their fiery spirits.
You can sing any sound, shape, or color that feels right to you.
Let it be silly, let it be somber, let it be what wants to emerge of its own volition. Sing songs that you know and songs that you make up on the spot.
Bonus points for singing the old songs of your witchy/fae ancestors.
3. Study the old tongues of your witchy/fae ancestors. Indigenous and ancient tongues are often one and the same with the tongues spoken by the elemental and indigenous fae of a land. They emerge from the same vibrational and geometric designs of a place.
Learning even just a few words or phrases goes a long way in feeling the awakening of your ancient fey blood and the powers therein.
The most important phrases to learn are those in which to make requests, to give thanks, to acknowledge interconnectedness, and bid farewell.
These words will also reignite the remembrance of old fey contracts/agreements that your ancestors might have made in the past. This remembrance will awaken your powers to manipulate, bend, and reactivate those old relationships and magical workings.
Singing the old songs will go even further in re-enchanting your world and making your fey blood feel more at home in your environs.
4. Get really intimate with the elements.
Swim in wild waters as you sing songs to the undine (waterfae)!
Bare your naked body to the sunlight and let your pores breathe deeply of the free air welcoming sylphs (airfae) into your being!
Cover yourself with mud and play in the trees with the gnomes (earth fae)!
Build a fire of wood you gather from the forest floor and let the salamanders (firefae) mesmerize you as you tend it throughout the night!
Returning to the “primeval four” elements in these embodied and ancient ways gift us with power, creativity, and knowing that nothing else on Gaia’s surface can. The elemental fey are our kin, our teachers, and our healers.
These are the times to break all of the old cautionary rules about getting swept away by th efey. We, those of the old blood, must become the fe yin this day and age, take up their workings in the world…and become the danger that our recent ancestors desperately sought to avoid.
(my own terrifying phooka form)
4. Do weird things in public that pull people out of their ordinary/habitual states of being
My favorite fae task to take up in the world is weirding people out in public. It’s high time that the fey started igniting the wyrd in the mundane world once more. We need more wild creativity in the world…not the fashionable weird, not the trendy weird, not the weird that places you solidly into one or more socially acceptable subcultures that get a lot of likes on Instagram—but the weird that makes people genuinely question whether or not they might be dreaming.
Break the boxes, ride the lines of legality in your municipality, break social constructs and unquestioned decorum.
For example, as a Dada-ist scholar and a “performance artist” in my past academic life, I put on cabaret shows at gas stations, recited poetry from treetops in city squares (on multiple continents), acted out dramatic scenes in the electronics section at Target, and attempted to get Whole Foods customers to hold philosophical conversations with me as I carried dead fish about the store pretending to make them speak with German accents.
Take up your fae duties with vigor my friends! Being normal is not what is needed in these times! And it is not what will grant you boons from the fae!
5. Stop letting your passions and desires be shaped by the 2D (media) experience of the ordinary/human-made world—either to accord to it or oppose it.
Instead let your brain change shape by marveling at the workings of the natural world and the immediacy of fully embodied human creativity. Get your inspiration unfiltered, first-hand, where the fullness of your form and the complexity of your being can be appreciated sensuously and in divine alignment with the intelligence of each cell of you.
In this way, your world and your being intuitively fills gaps left by that which you are inspired by, rather than attempting to fill the gaps left by false impressions that the 2D (media) necessarily lends us by nature of the means of the conveyance of the information.
You are a faerie, not a mortal. You are not here to get likes. You are here to cause delicious and necessary trouble with each vibrating sub-atomic particle of your being.
6. Show unusual kindness to small creatures and become a protector force/balancer for some small piece of the wild in your world.
Finally, and most importantly, we must take up the most vital role that once belonged to our fae ancestors: protection and nourishment of the wild places of the world. If we are to hold the powers offeyblood, we must also take up their responsibilities…they are one and the same in fact.
Each of us can protect and nourish a wild space even if we don’t “own” or rent land which is wild. We can take up the role of protecting a piece of a public park or even a cemetery or church grounds with some small patch of wild space. Tend to the animals there, insects included. Fight for its protection if it is at risk of development or pollution. Plant native species and restore or tend to waterways.
Historically speaking, if fairy tales are to be trusted, and I think we are all in agreement that they are, those who do favors to small creatures are always rewarded ten-fold.
I want this for you. I want you to be awash in the magic and splendor of the interconnectedness of our world. I want you to be utterly contented to justbeas you witness the magical movements of creation and magic around me.
I want you to wield the fey blood that spawned you so intimately that the banality of the world melts in your presence and people are moved to tears or uproarious laughter or struck dumb with confusion in your presence.
I want you to never feel lonely in the world again or fear what lies beyond the veil of death. I want you to know just how magical you are and just how important you are to our shared dreaming of the glorious goddess Gaia.