Recipe! Bones like Snakes Skeletal Healing Tincture


1 part Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum biflorum)

1 part Mullein Root (Verbascum thapsus)

½ part Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

½ part Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)

⅛ part Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

One of the reasons that I adore Matthew Wood so much is that his approach to pain is to "fix the problem." There aren't many herbalist that directly address issues with bones, joints, and connective tissues. However, I've personally seen miracles happen where Solomon's Seal is involved. Bone and joint issues are complex and clearly take time to heal if they are long standing issues. 

However, working with this tincture internally and externally(!) will begin to produce changes. There are two other controversial herbs that I would personally include--Comfrey and Cannabis. These both also work work miracles internally and externally. However, Comfrey (though it's been used for thousands of years) comes under attack Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and Cannabis...well, you know. However, they are both known to build bone, speed tissue healing, and act as anti-inflammatories. So use your own judgement! I would use both as a ¼ part. 

Want to learn more about making and working with tinctures to address to address the root of your health issues? Reach out to me for a consultation!

Crystal Hoffman