Chacruna Microdosing Adaptogenic Herbal Chocolates

Chacruna Microdosing Adaptogenic Herbal Chocolates


Starting from a base of freshly ground Raw Criollo Cacao, these chocolates are prepared with organic ingredients, prayer, and laughter. This medicine offering is an ode to mother Cacao and her role as one of our most ancient and powerful heart-opening, nourishing medicines on the planet.

Like the wise original peoples of the lands where she grows natively, we blend her with other powerful herbal and mushroom remedies to create profound emotional, mental, and physical peace and vitality.

It's difficult for people living in the modern world to drop into the restful, receptive space where spirits and other consciousnesses can make themselves known to us.

Microdosing with Chacruna is a beautiful way to rewire our nervous systems to find that space more readily--where we can be guided in our dreams, through synchronicity, waking visions, or with the soft subtle intuitive nudges that have long led to our species' survival and evolution over the course of the millennia.

Cacao has been used ceremonially as an MAOI to potentiate neurognostic containing plants for ages...the role which the Ayahuasca vine plays with Chacruna traditionally.

Also like the Ayahuasca vine, she is considered a mother. She was always drunk or otherwise consumed with blends of herbs and medicines so that the heart-mind opens to their teachings.

The other medicinal allies contained in these chocolates are raw, fermented Cacao, Marshmallow, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Ginger, Cinnamon, Maple Syrup, and Sea Salt.

Each chocolate contains a 1/5th microdose of neurognostics and a robust double dose of herbs and mushrooms (15 grams)

Each box has six chocolates, which can be frozen to retain potency for many months. However, they don't need to be frozen, as nearly all of the ingredients are not perishable.

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